Tennessee Walking Horse Video Library
If you know of a great video to add to this library or replace existing out of date informative videos please contact us.
Learn the different types of TWH
The TWH the Real Story
How to Bring Our Your Tennessee Walking Horse's Natural Running Walk
How to train your Tennessee Walking Horse to Canter
How to ride a Tennessee Walking Horse
The Gaits of the Tennessee Walking Horse
Rareing to Go - Riding the Tennessee Walking Horse in New Zealand - Created by Liselle Silver of Rare Horse Society of NZ
Tennessee Walking Horse Gaits are Natural
Tennessee Walking Horse Riding Lesson
Gaiting Fast on TWH
Sherwood Tennessee Walking Horse and Gaited Mules
Hanmer Springs
New Zealand's Tennessee Walking Horse Studs
This website is a work in progress. Please reach out to correct and update information. We would like to feature great educational videos, photos of real horses proving their versatility and strengths, accurate preservation status numbers, news on the breeds from NZ and overseas, up to date contacts, links to websites, registries and associated entities for the breeds and more. In some instances placeholder or international images have been used where some nice local horses could be, we use what we can find at the time (hopefully without getting in trouble). We appreciate images supplied if you have any New Zealand based images.